Welcome to the 30-day meditation challenge!
The purpose of this challenge is to give you a chance to practice meditation and journaling before we are all together in Savannah. The time commitment is 5-10 minutes per day, depending on how long you want to spend journaling. You are welcome to meditate in the morning to start your day off right, in the evening to wind down before bed, or whenever you find time or need solace in the middle of your day.
Feel free to throw out all of your preconceived notions about what meditation “should” look like. Meditation will look however it needs to for you to be successful. Sitting, lying down, standing, or walking. Eyes closed or open. Any combination can be used for meditation as long as your intention is to still the mind - to find a singular point of meditation.
I am so excited to be supporting you during this challenge. Please reach out if you have any questions or to let me know how you are feeling with it, whether you love it or hate it! Let’s get curious about what these next 30 days can reveal to you.